The project aimed to transfer the experiences gained from the stork-specific nature conservation studies in Poland to the volunteers in Turkey working on stork conservation in order to raise environmental awareness.
Within the scope of the project carried out between February 2006 and August 2006 in partnership with the Polish Pronatura Association;
• An educational program was organized in Poland in order to convey the experiences of the Pronatura association employees and to see the original conservation work in place,
• A training seminar was held in Ankara for stork volunteers from Ankara and other provinces with the participation of Pronatura association employees,
• A single day stork education activity was organized in order to increase the awareness of the local people on stork conservation
• Some of the printed materials of the Pronatura Association on conservation studies have been translated into Turkish.
• A booklet and a poster was prepared explaining the stork’s biology and ecology, the threats it faces and conservation studies.