Our Story

Our society, which was founded as Bird Research Society in 1998 by a group of bird watchers and researchers later changed its name to Nature Research Society in 2011 with the aim of spreading its studies to all fields rather than just on birds.
After this name change which we thought would make a significant contribution to the protection of Turkey’s nature, we started to work on capacity strengthening topic and contribute to policy making processes related to nature protection by expanding our field protection and species protection activities which were then limited specifically to birds.
In our society, which performs its activities at the national level, in order to create solutions to the problems faced by nature, we develop collaborations with the academy, especially with non-governmental organizations and public institutions working in the field of nature, we attach importance to strengthening capacity and to developing tools that will produce permanent solutions at the local level and we try to contribute to the policy-making processes at the national level.
As the Nature Research Society, we also work to establish effective and applicable national nature conservation policies in favor of nature conservation in line with international nature conservation conventions and to strengthen the legal infrastructure on this topic.
For this, we try to utilize almost every platform, from councils organized by public institutions to the draft of strategy papers. We take responsibility in these platforms, contribute to them and we develop collaborations with non-governmental organizations working for similar purposes.
In addition to all this, we believe that the success in the field of nature conservation is directly related to the capacities of institutions and organizations operating in this field and the effectiveness of civil society in the decision processes. While capacity building activities have been among our priorities since our establishment, within this context we also continue to work to increase the capacities of institutions and local non-governmental organizations operating in the field of nature conservation.