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GSELIFEAboveBorders Project

The GSE is classified as critically endangered in 27 EU countries and is on the list of EU bird species identified as “priority for LIFE funding”. The disappearance of the last large-scale marshes on the edges of the EU, essential for breeding, and population losses on migration and wintering grounds are the main reasons for its bad conservation status.

The aim of the GSELIFEAboveBorders project is to sustainably improve breeding sites’ conditions and increase the Greater Spotted Eagle (Clanga clanga) (GSE) abundance in the EU, and to reduce threats and secure key GSE stopover and wintering sites along its flyway. The project will contribute to the survival of the Greater Spotted Eagle through activities aimed at increasing the number of young eagles), protection of GSE breeding forests and bird hunting areas, individual protection of birds tracked using GSM, combating illegal shooting and poisoning, setting up secure feeding stations on wintering grounds to improve bird condition and extensive educational activities.

The implementation of GSE protection is only possible on the basis of international cooperation, designed in the project and consolidated by the creation of an international network for GSE protection. This is the first such broad, integrated implementation of these methods in GSE conservation on a European scale. The aim of the GSELIFEAboveBorders project is to sustainably improve conditions at the breeding sites and increase the abundance of the Greater Spotted Eagle in the EU, as well as to reduce threats and secure key resting and wintering sites for the eagle along its migration route.

DAD is a party to the consortium of four countries within the scope of the activities in the wintering sites.

The services to be provided are:

  • Obtaining more detailed information about the wintering population in Türkiye
  • Creation of safe (free from poisoning and illegal shooting) concentration sites for the species
  • Creation of places for safe winter feeding of birds, improving their condition and increasing their survival rate
  • Reduction of illegal poisoning and shooting at European wintering grounds of the species
  • Promoting and disseminating knowledge about the species and good practices to support their conservation.

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