The Black Vulture Conservation and Research Experience Sharing Project, which was implemented with the aim of increasing information and experience sharing between Turkish and Greek non-governmental organizations that are working for the conservation of black vultures was carried out between August 2004 and July 2005.
The project was supported by the Turkish-Greek Civilian Dialogue Program of the Delegation of the European Union to Turkey.
Within the scope of the project;
• Two workshops were conducted in Kızılcahamam and Dadia on information and experience sharing on black vulture conservation and research with the participation of Turkish and Greek national park authorities, relevant municipalities and NGOs,
• A nest detection survey was conducted in known and potential breeding areas in Turkey in order to determine the size of the black vulture breeding population,
• A “Black Vulture Information File” was prepared for volunteer researchers who will participate in black vulture studies.
• Training was provided on black vulture research
• Turkish, Greek and English billboards were prepared in Soğuksu National Park and Dadia National Park.