Raising Awareness about Wetlands Project was carried out between November 2007 and June 2009 implemented with the aim of increasing the institutional capacity at the local level for the implementation of the RAMSAR Convention and the Wetlands Conservation Regulation.
Within the scope of the project, it is aimed to establish institutional capacity at the local level for the implementation of the Wetlands Conservation Regulation, to provide the technical personnel of the relevant institutions and organizations working in wetlands with basic information on the conservation and rational usage of wetlands and to gain the necessary knowledge and skills for the determination of wetland protection zones.
Within the context of the project, two days of theoretical education and one day of practical training was organized for the technical personnel related to wetlands from the Provincial Directorates of Environment and Forestry, Provincial Directorates of Agriculture,
Provincial Directorates of Culture and Tourism, Regional Directorates of Cultural and Natural Heritage Conservation, Regional Directorates of State Hydraulic Works and local non-governmental organizations in 45 provinces where there are wetlands of international importance.